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Shahrzad Thomas

Updated: Aug 26, 2021

At Contour Couture, we are delighted to let everyone know that we have a new treatment available for our customers. We are now able to provide treatments using Profhilo. This compliments other dermal filler treatments we provide to enhance beauty – whether that’s Lip Enhancement, Jawline, Cheeks and Chin or the anti-ageing treatments that remove many of the deep lines around the lower part of the face.

Who’s Profhilo for?

Profhilo sits firmly in our anti-ageing treatments and can help anyone who shows signs of skin ageing. Sadly, for most of us, we start losing a significant amount of collagen, elastin and Hyaluronic Acid after we reach 30, which means we start to see the signs of ageing in the form of fine lines, wrinkles and slightly lack-lustre skin. So, at Contour Couture, we can use Profhilo to rejuvenate the face, chest, neck and hands to provide a noticeable improvement in skin tone, hydration as well as firmness and reduction in the appearance of lines.

What is Profhilo?

Profhilo is an anti-ageing treatment made from Hyaluronic Acid. Hyaluronic Acid is best used for ‘filler’ and is usually used to give volume to enhance specific areas of the face (e.g. lips, cheeks, jawline & chin). Profhilo is different to these treatments as it is primarily a hydrating treatment, and the Hyaluronic Acid it contains is dispersed evenly throughout the face, chest, neck or hands giving your skin a plumper and firmer look overall. Whilst traditional fillers are a medium to thick gel-like substance, Profhilo is more ‘watery’ in its consistency so rather than filling a specific area it distributes to give an even and all-over lift, which is why it is called a bio re-modeller.

What is it like?

Profhilo is injected just under the skin using very fine needles in pre-determined points on the face, or across neck bangs and creases in the chest and hands. It is relatively painless; the treatment itself is very quick, taking only about 10 minutes.

What results can I expect from Profhilo at Contour Couture?

After just a single course of Profhilo you’ll notice smoother, tighter skin, it makes the skin glow and fine lines can disappear. Even for those with very wrinkled skin, an improvement in the texture is noticeable.

How many treatments will I need?

We recommend that for the best results you book two treatments, one month apart. A further session may be recommended after approximately six months in order to prolong the effect. Some people may see the results within first week, but the best outcomes of the treatment will be visible 4 weeks after the second treatment. Profhilo can be used on its own or in conjunction with other fillers, it is complementary, rather than a competitive treatment.

Is there any downtime?

There is no downtime. It is advisable to avoid alcohol, aspirin or anti-inflammatory medication in the 24 hours before treatment.

Immediately after treatment you should avoid wearing make-up, and give sports, swimming and any other strenuous physical activity a miss for 24 hours. It is also best to avoid saunas and steam rooms for a few days after treatment.

What are the risks & side effects?

There are no long-term side effects. No allergy test is required prior to treatment. The risk of allergic reactions is substantially reduced because Profhilo does not contain any synthetic chemicals which some people might react to.

Some people may experience redness, slight bruising, tenderness as well as itching at the injection sites but these are temporary and should resolve within a few hours, to a day.

How much does it cost?

At Contour Couture, we charge £300 for one treatment and £520 for two treatments when paid in advance.

Where can I get my Profhilo treatment with Contour Couture?

We can provide Profhilo treatments in our salons, Swindon, Bath & Cheltenham. They can be booked online here.

Is it worth it?

Profhilo delivers great results as a treatment on its own or in combination with other aesthetic treatments currently on offer. The effects of Profhilo are subtle but undeniable. You will see a difference after the first treatment with skin looking brighter and smoother. As time goes on these effects are enhanced and can last up to six months, depending on the individual patient.

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